

Beauty in abstract 🙂

(And yes, that’s me in the picture 😛 )

Cerebral Symphony


Ever wondered what they are?
Electrical sparks?
Or chemicals fizzing around?

But then,
Lighting ain’t a thought!
Nor is a testube!

Is it something to do with ‘life’ then?
But then,
there’s no Yoda fish
Or an Einstein pine

Then maybe, something human…

That’s even harder to comprehend!
But give it a shot

What is it?
An inner voice?

If it is a voice
It has to be heard!

What if it can’t be?

If it can’t be
Then how can it be a voice of life?

And not of death
A corpse
Unheard. Unknown

Isn’t our voice meant to be heard?
Our pulse meant to resonate?
Isn’t that’s what makes us ‘alive’
To share
And to be shared with
Tears, joys, agony, friendship and love

But then I wonder,
Is this what art, music and words are?
Voices of souls
Seeking ears of conscience
Thoughts to…

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Categories: Reverie

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